Tuesday, July 25, 2006

UI Design Pattern Galore

Nowadays, there has been a growing number of web sites that collect UI design patterns. The UI design patterns are common solution to recurring problems when designing user interfaces. Whenever I face a usability issue or make a judgement on screen design, I always recall to the collection of UI design patterns. Therefore, it is so useful to bookmark web sites that collects design patterns. My top three sites on the list are:

Yahoo! Design Pattern Library
It has a lot of interesting (read: advanced) patterns like drag and drop, animations, etc. It is good to discover what today's web applications can do. When you are ready to put the patterns into practice, try the companion Yahoo! UI library.

Designing Interfaces
I read the book with the same title first before discovering this site. This is the book/site to discover more UI patterns beyond web page.

Patterns in Interaction Design
Plenty of patterns and tons of screenshots make this site a good reference.

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